Hello? Anyone Out There?

I’ve been doing a lot of talking (or I suppose typing..) at all of you readers out there, so we’re flipping the script. It’s your turn! I’m curious to learn about all of you!

Airplane_01Are you actually planning to go to Rio? Or just looking for a good read? I hope maybe a little of both 🙂

Have you booked your hotel? Where are you staying? I’ll be staying in the heart of the party: Copacabana!

Women's_Volleyball_semifinals_-_6.jpgWhat events do you want to see? Have you gotten tickets for anything yet? So far, I’ll be seeing volleyball, table tennis, water polo, and platform diving. Who needs the stuff you can already see on TV?

What can I do to make this process easier on you? I’ve previously made a list of things I’d like to cover. If there’s something specific you’d like me write about or research, speak now or forever hold your peace. Just kidding, but speaking now would be nice!

Do you have any big, burning questions? Let me know in the comment section below!

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