6 Places To Keep Up On Rio Olympics Current Events

There are a plethora of ways to keep track of the current events of the 2016 Olympic preparations! Here is a list of websites to watch for interesting information on what’s to come in Rio! These are a lot of the sites I keep track of, but keep in mind, this list is by no means exhaustive!

  • rio-1429574649-2360261The Rio 2016 twitter account is always a great place to start! They keep things short and concise (obviously, it’s Twitter) but link to longer stories if you wish to read on!
  • The official website of the games is another good place to look! Not only can you read stories, but you can learn more about the city as well!
  • _46945797_maracana466Olympics.org talks about the olympics in general (such as traditions and youth events), but also the current olympic games as well!
  • For those of you who are Team USA fans, they’re documenting their preparations for the games as well! Check them out here.
  • Best-Olympic-Rings-Wallpaper-Download2ESPN has also created an Olympic-specific page on their website. The leader in sports will always have us covered!
  • Our final place to watch is NBC. They always have good sports coverage, so why would the Olympics be any different!

There’s your handy dandy list of websites to watch for Rio Olympics current events! Leave a comment if you find any other good sites that I missed!

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